Social Procurement




Leveraging money that will already be spent on contracts by governments, private companies or nonprofits to also further a social good. This often involves buying contracts for goods and services from social enterprises with the intention of making a positive social impact (such as job creation for a historically disadvantaged community). Definition from David LePage of BuySocial Canada.



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Social Procurement in Alberta

Gives a brief overview of the rationale for social procurement, relevant examples, and helpful resources.

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Social Purchasing & Procurement with David LePage

In this video David talks about social purchasing: what, why, and how, as well as steps to implement social procurement

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Buy Social Canada’s Guide to Social Procurement

Shares the what, why, and how of social procurement in Canada.


Alberta Examples

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Be Local

A Calgary-based network of local businesses that care about the community and the environment.

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The City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton is developing a social procurement policy and has offered contracts to social-purpose businesses such as its contract with Redemptive Developments for mattress recycling.

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Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo was one of the first municipalities to create a social procurement policy and implement pilot projects that use social procurement.


Outside Alberta examples

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Buy Social Canada

Buy Social Canada publishes case studies that feature different social procurement initiatives across the country.

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The City of Toronto

Dive into the strategy and structure of the City of Toronto’s social procurement plan.

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The Village of Cumberland

Dive into the strategy and structure of the Village of Cumberlands social procurement plan.